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Shapefiles used by this package are stored in two places: 1) the low-resolution shapefiles used frequently are stored in the ggOceanMapsData package which should be installed automatically together with ggOceanMaps. 2) High-resolution shapefiles of selected locations are stored in the ggOceanMapsLargeData repository and downloaded automatically as needed. This document describes how each of the shapefiles is created. The maps are shown in the Premade maps document.

1. Low-resolution shapefiles in ggOceanMapData

Download the datasets specified in Data sources to folders on your computer. Replace the paths under with the correct folder paths on your computer.

etopoPath <- ""
NEDPath <- ""
gebcoPath <- ""
outPath <- ""
EEAPath <- ""

Define the the coordinate reference systems.

arcticCRS <- sf::st_crs(shapefile_list("Arctic")$crs)
antarcticCRS <- sf::st_crs(shapefile_list("Antarctic")$crs)
ddCRS <- sf::st_crs(shapefile_list("Decimal")$crs)

Decimal degrees


# Binned raster bathymetry
dd_rbathy <- raster_bathymetry(
  bathy = file.path(etopoPath, ""),
  depths = c(50, 300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 4000, 6000, 10000), 
  proj.out = 4326,
  downsample = 1

save(dd_rbathy, file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsData/dd_rbathy.rda"), compress = "bzip2")

# Vector bathymetry
dd_bathy <- vector_bathymetry(dd_rbathy, drop.crumbs = 25, smooth = TRUE) 
save(dd_bathy, file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsData/dd_bathy.rda"), compress = "xz")

# Continuous raster bathymetry
dd_rbathy_cont <- raster_bathymetry(
  bathy = file.path(etopoPath, ""),
  depths = NULL, 
  proj.out = 4326,
  downsample = 1

save(dd_rbathy_cont, file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsData/dd_rbathy_cont.rda"), compress = "bzip2")


# Natural Earth Data require s2 turned off.
s2_mode <- sf::sf_use_s2()

world <- sf::st_read(file.path(NEDPath, "ne_10m_land/ne_10m_land.shp"))
islands <- sf::st_read(file.path(NEDPath, "ne_10m_minor_islands/ne_10m_minor_islands.shp"))

world <- rbind(world, islands)
world <- sf::st_make_valid(world)
dd_land <- clip_shapefile(world, c(-180, 180, -90, 90))

save(dd_land, file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsData/dd_land.rda"), compress = "xz")


glaciers <- sf::st_read(file.path(NEDPath, "ne_10m_glaciated_areas/ne_10m_glaciated_areas.shp"))
iceshelves <- sf::st_read(file.path(NEDPath, "ne_10m_antarctic_ice_shelves_polys/ne_10m_antarctic_ice_shelves_polys.shp"))

glaciers <- rbind(glaciers, iceshelves)
glaciers <- sf::st_make_valid(glaciers)
dd_glacier <- clip_shapefile(glaciers, c(-180, 180, -90, 90))

save(dd_glacier, file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsData/dd_glacier.rda"), compress = "xz")

Arctic stereographic


# Vector bathymetry
rb <- raster_bathymetry(
  bathy = file.path(etopoPath, ""),
  depths = c(50, 300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 4000, 6000, 10000), 
  proj.out = arcticCRS,
  boundary = c(-180, 180, 1, 90),
  downsample = 1

arctic_bathy <- vector_bathymetry(rb)
save(arctic_bathy, file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsData/arctic_bathy.rda"), compress = "xz")

# Raster bathymetry
dd_rbathy <- raster_bathymetry(
  bathy = file.path(etopoPath, ""),
  depths = NULL, 
  proj.out = ddCRS,
  downsample = 1

# save(rb, file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsData/dd_rbathy_agg.rda"), compress = "xz")
save(dd_rbathy, file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsData/dd_rbathy.rda"), compress = "xz")

rb <- raster_bathymetry(
  bathy = file.path(etopoPath, ""), 
  depths = c(50, 300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 4000, 6000, 10000), 
  proj.out = arcticCRS, 
  boundary = c(-180.0083, 180.0083, 1, 90), 
  aggregation.factor = 2

arctic_bathy <- vector_bathymetry(rb)
save(arctic_bathy, file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsData/arctic_bathy.rda"), compress = "xz")


arctic_land <- clip_shapefile(world, c(-180, 180, 1, 90))
arctic_land <- sp::spTransform(arctic_land, sp::CRS(arcticCRS))
arctic_land <- rgeos::gBuffer(arctic_land, byid = TRUE, width = 0)

save(arctic_land, file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsData/arctic_land.rda"), compress = "xz")


arctic_glacier <- clip_shapefile(glaciers, c(-180, 180, 40, 90))
arctic_glacier <- sp::spTransform(arctic_glacier, sp::CRS(arcticCRS))
arctic_glacier <- rgeos::gBuffer(arctic_glacier, byid = FALSE, width = 1000)
arctic_glacier <- rgeos::gBuffer(arctic_glacier, byid = FALSE, width = -1000)

save(arctic_glacier, file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsData/arctic_glacier.rda"), compress = "xz")

Antarctic steregraphic


rb <- raster_bathymetry(
  bathy = file.path(etopoPath, "ETOPO1_Ice_g_gmt4.grd"), 
  depths = c(50, 300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 4000, 6000, 10000), 
  proj.out = antarcticCRS, 
  boundary = c(-180.0083, 180.0083, -80, -30), 
  aggregation.factor = 2

antarctic_bathy <- vector_bathymetry(rb)

save(antarctic_bathy, file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsData/antarctic_bathy.rda"), compress = "xz")


antarctic_land <- clip_shapefile(world, c(-180, 180, -90, -30))
antarctic_land <- sp::spTransform(antarctic_land, sp::CRS(antarcticCRS))
antarctic_land <- rgeos::gBuffer(antarctic_land, byid = TRUE, width = 0)

save(antarctic_land, file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsData/antarctic_land.rda"), compress = "xz")


antarctic_glacier <- clip_shapefile(glaciers, c(-180, 180, -90, -30))
antarctic_glacier <- sp::spTransform(antarctic_glacier, sp::CRS(antarcticCRS))
antarctic_glacier <- rgeos::gBuffer(antarctic_glacier, byid = FALSE, width = 1000)
antarctic_glacier <- rgeos::gBuffer(antarctic_glacier, byid = FALSE, width = -1000)

save(antarctic_glacier, file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsData/antarctic_glacier.rda"), compress = "xz")

2. High-resolution shapefiles in ggOceanMapsLargeData


Download the EEA landshapes from here:

Unzip the file and paste the folder path to the EEAPath object as a string.

europe_land <- sf::read_sf(file.path(EEAPath, "EEA_Coastline_20170228.shp"))

     file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsLargeData/europe_land.rda"),
     compress = "xz"

Barents Sea


bound.limits <- c(-21, 85, 63, 85)

rb <- raster_bathymetry(
  bathy = file.path(gebcoPath, ""), 
  depths = c(50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 
             2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 5000, 6000, 10000), 
  proj.out = paste0("EPSG:", shapefile_list("Barents")$crs), 
  boundary = bound.limits

barentssea_bathy <- vector_bathymetry(rb)

# Raster bathymetry

barentssea_rbathy <- raster_bathymetry(
  bathy = file.path(gebcoPath, ""), 
  depths = NULL, 
  proj.out = paste0("EPSG:", shapefile_list("Barents")$crs),
  boundary = bound.limits,
  warp = TRUE


# save(rb, file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsData/dd_rbathy_agg.rda"), compress = "xz")
save(barentssea_rbathy, file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsData/barentssea_rbathy.rda"), compress = "xz")


barentssea_land <- clip_shapefile(
  world, c(-400000, 1300000, 7400000, 9350000), 
  proj.limits = convert_crs(32636))
barentssea_land <- sp::spTransform(
  sp::CRS(paste0("EPSG:", shapefile_list("Barents")$crs))
barentssea_land <- rgeos::gBuffer(barentssea_land, byid = TRUE, width = 0)


barentssea_glacier <- clip_shapefile(
  glaciers,  c(-400000, 1300000, 7400000, 9350000), 
  proj.limits = convert_crs(32636))
barentssea_glacier <- sp::spTransform(
  sp::CRS(paste0("EPSG:", shapefile_list("Barents")$crs))
barentssea_glacier <- rgeos::gBuffer(barentssea_glacier, byid = TRUE, width = 0)

Save the data

save(barentssea_land, barentssea_glacier, barentssea_bathy,
     file = paste(outPath, "ggOceanMapsLargeData/barentssea.rda", sep = "/"),
     compress = "xz"

High resolution Arctic stereographic

rb <- raster_bathymetry(
  bathy = file.path(gebcoPath, ""), 
  depths = c(50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 
             3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 10000), 
  proj.out = arcticCRS, 
  boundary = c(-180.0083, 180.0083, 10, 90)

gebco_bathy <- vector_bathymetry(rb)

     file = file.path(outPath, "ggOceanMapsLargeData/gebco_bathy.rda"),
     compress = "xz"

Data sources

The data used by the package are not the property of the Institute of Marine Research nor the author of the package. It is, therefore, important that you cite the data sources used in a map you generate with the package. Please see here for a list of data sources.