Makes a T-S plot from salinity and temperature data.

  temp_col = "temp",
  sal_col = "sal",
  WM = kongsfjord_watermasses,
  color_wmpoly = "grey30",
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  color = "watertype",
  zoom = TRUE,
  nlevels = 6,
  color_isopyc = "grey90",
  symbol_shape = 1,
  symbol_size = 3,
  symbol_alpha = 0.6,
  color_scale = NULL,
  color_var_name = NULL,
  margin_distr = FALSE,
  margin_width = 0.15,
  margin_height = 0.2,
  plot_data = TRUE,
  base_size = 10



data frame


character specifying the column name that contains temperature information. Should be potential temperatures (theta) instead of in-situ tempretatures, if default WM is used.


character specifying the column name that contains salinity information.


dataframe containing the water type definitions for polygons boundaries for water types. Set to NULL to remove the polygon boundaries. See Details in define_water_type for further details.


character defining the color for water mass polygon edges.


numeric vector specifying th limits for x-axis. If NULL, the zoom argument is used.


numeric vector specifying th limits for y-axis. If NULL, the zoom argument is used.


character indicating the mapping variable for color. Either a single character from colors, "watertype" or column name in dt. If "watertype", the symbols are colored based on water type using a prededined palette. If the character specifies a valid color, that color is used for the data symbols.


logical indicating whether the x- and y-axis should be limited to data. If FALSE, the entire water mass diagram from the WM data frame is shown.


number of automatically-selected isopycnal levels. Set to 0 to remove isopycnals.


character defining the color for isopycnals.


character or numeric. ggplot syntax for shape of plotting symbols. See geom_point


numeric. ggplot syntax for size of symbol. See geom_point


numeric value between 0 and 1 defining the transparency of symbols. Set to 1 to remove transparency. See geom_point


named vector giving all WM$abb levels (names) and their corresponding colors. See the values argument in scale_colour_manual


character giving the name that should be used in legend of color scale. See the name argument in scale_colour_manual


logical indicating whether kernel density estimates of temperature and salinity should be added to margins of the plot.

margin_width, margin_height

numeric specifying the width and height of the x- and y-axis margin plots as a propotion of the plot width ("npc" from unit).


logical indicating whether salinity and temperature data should be plotted. FALSE returns an empty T-S plot frame allowing further customization using ggplot2 syntax.


Base size parameter for ggplot. See theme_bw.

See also


# Using example data dt <- data.frame(temp = c(1, -1.1, -0.8, 3.2), sal = c(34, 34.5, 34.9, 33.9)) ts_plot(dt)
# Using real CTD data data("ctd_kongsfjord") ts_plot(ctd_kongsfjord)
ts_plot(ctd_kongsfjord, zoom = FALSE) # show all of WM
ts_plot(ctd_kongsfjord, color = "area", margin_distr = TRUE) # scaling color to "area"
ts_plot(ctd_kongsfjord, color = "red", margin_distr = TRUE) # no color scaling
# Using a different WM data("ctd_rijpfjord") ts_plot(ctd_rijpfjord, WM = rijpfjord_watermasses)
# example of graphical parameter modification ts_plot(ctd_rijpfjord, WM = rijpfjord_watermasses, symbol_shape = 16, symbol_size = 0.1, symbol_alpha = 0.8, margin_distr = TRUE, xlim = c(32, 35), color = "area")